Monday, August 25, 2008

Kaiden's FIRST day of school!

Kaiden was pretty nervous once the first day of school finally rolled around. He was so nervous he was having chest pains! We went out for "first day of school breakfast" and that seemed to calm his nerves just a little. We all chatted and joked and tried explaining to Kaiden that it was EVERYONES first day of kindergarten today. No one knows each other and everyone will be making friends - its a new and exciting time!

He was a trooper and sucked it up. He looked so adorable with his over sized backpack but it turns out they don't use backpacks at his school - bummer. Good thing he has a cool matching lunchbox to use!

Here's a picture of Kaiden trying to look excited about being left here with all these teachers and kids he doesn't know. He's not good with change and this was a BIG one. He wandered around a little as we watched him go, coming back to us a couple times for some quick hugs, and almost getting cold feet once. I think it was harder for me to leave him!
A tear or two started falling from my eye when we were getting out of the car to drop him off. I looked at Kaiden and said "Why do you have to grow up? You're in kindergarten for goodness sake!!!". He held my cheeks and wiped my tear and said "I have to grow up mom. But I'll always be your baby." Yes, yes you will little man. The tears fell hard as I turned my back and walked away from him nervously checking out the other kids on the playground. Why cant there be a magic pause button? I know I've said that before but SERIOUSLY. Just for a little while? Its going way too fast.