Thursday, May 24, 2007

mixed emotions

Kaiden was playing photographer this morning...

This is a punky little shirt I made for Kaiden the other night using freezer paper, an iron, and fabric paint! It was so simple to make and since I'm not yet brave enough to take on screen printing this worked out beautifully. You can find the tutorial here. It was super simple and has so many possibilities! Go ahead, give it a try!

Today is a day of mixed emotions for Kaiden and I. It's our last day watching little Lucas, Kaiden's "best buddy". We've been watching Lucas every day for the last 3 years and he has become a big part of our lives. On one hand I am so elated to be moving on but my heart also feels very heavy for Kaiden. The two boys will definitely miss one another...but will I? Nahh.

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