Saturday, June 2, 2007

June 2

"Yes Kaiden?"
"My heart really wants you to play with me."
How can a momma resist that?

So far today:

sitting on the porch watching the rain
feeling the breeze
frogs caught in buckets
naked, dressed, naked, naked...
feeding the birds
spot a woodpecker making a home in our tree
toilet paper completely unrolled
a mummy walking around without pants
sidewalk chalk
giant vs hunter...
water squirters, hide outs, chasing
kisses to hurt fingers
dirty face, muddy toes, sticky fingers
laundry on the line
coyote calls
play dough birds and candy
forts made of sheets and chairs

...that's all I can think of for right now!


Anonymous said...

I'm exausted just reading HALF of it! And that's probably just the list til lunch!

The McManuses said...

You're too damned good at mom stuff.