Saturday, June 23, 2007

kid free weekend

Kaiden has been at Great Aunt Jane's house for another fun weekend and Randy and I have been enjoying our kid free time! It's nice having a little break from the "Mommy! Come wipe my buuuuutt!", "Why aren't you playing with me? Can we play now? How about now?", "I don't want to go to the grocery store. It's so BOOORING!!!", and oh so many more that we hear a million times in a 24hr period.
We finally got our butterfly garden planted and we have caterpillars on our milkweed plants! Randy was amazed that the butterfly garden was actually "working". Did he think the idea was a gimmick? I have no clue, but here's a picture of one of our little visitors:

I had a fun girls day with my mom too. She NEVER buys anything for herself, as mothers tend to do, so it was nice to see her looking all pretty in spankin' new clothes. And look! She's not wearing a polo shirt! There is hope!!!
And since Kaiden wasn't home our other kids got some special treatment and some new toys. They were really excited and couldn't bother sitting still for a nice photo:


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful caterpillar! Danaus plexippus rules!

The McManuses said...

I like polo shirts.