Tuesday, June 12, 2007


What could be better on hot summer days?
KITTEN UPDATE: A very sweet woman, who is one of Randy's clients, is giving the little guy a forever home! We're so excited for him. He is the kind of cat who really needs to be pamperd and given tons and tons of affection and he will be getting that and much more in his new home. Pickle, as Kaiden has named him, has settled well here with our 5 cats and 3 dogs. Hopefully he won't miss his new buddies too much.


The McManuses said...

Where is this magical water wonderland? It looks fun! I thought you told me you went to Siesta, is it something new they have there?? I wanna go! (for the kids that is)

The McManuses said...

Also: Are you f-ing kidding about Ali G?? I'm so happy!!! Use the subtitles. He is so hot. I love him. And in my opinion, music & lyrics blew.

Crystal and Kaiden said...

this magical wonderland is two different places! one is siesta and the other is the YMCA water park! You need to go there with me :) And Ali G? hillarious!!! thanks for suggesting it. i liked music and lyrics but i did fall asleep durring it so it couldn't have been too good.

The McManuses said...

I did enjoy the romance of course, but all in all I didn't think it was that great. You need to get Ali G In Da House. You will piss yourself. I promise. How did this lovely summertime blog end up being about bawdy, leud humor?? Oh yeah, cause of me. Leave it to karla to bring it all down a peg or 2.

The McManuses said...

Son of a! I spelled lewd wrong. Frick, I hate that. Ok, I'll stop annihilating your blog now. Sorry.

Crystal and Kaiden said...

LOL! I'm going to have to start editing your dirty words Karla! This is a family friendly site!!! ha ha

The McManuses said...

Frick & Piss?? C'mon for me that's PG.