Monday, July 16, 2007

an amazing friend

Let me just tell you about her...

She's as cute as can be, loves to giggle, super sarcastic, debbie downer, but oh so hilarious (especially when she's not trying to be). My dear Karla, I love you.

I needed her today. I had a job interview and had no one to watch Kaiden for me (Randy's at work). Karla cancelled her doctors appointment just so she could be here on time so I wouldn't be late for my interview! Plus, I left my keys in Randy's car again so I had no vehicle to drive myself to the interview so sweet Karla let me use her car (which I almost wrecked due to a horrendous storm and flooding).

Oh, I'm not done...My folks went out of town for the week and I'm in charge of watching all their critters. And since I have no car I can't leave to let their dogs go to the bathroom so Karla was so wonderful and drove me there (twice) to let them go out.

PLUS!!!!! Karla even drove me all the way to North Port to pick up my keys!!!! All the while listening to the sound of children (whining, squealing, fighting, laughing, yelling, really really loud) and being an awesome friend.

I can't thank you enough for your help today Karla! Did I include the detail that Karla lives in Arcadia? 45 minutes away??? You rock girl.

By the way, I got the job. I'm going to be working part time at a book store.

And I believe Randy is busy fighting brush fires so keep him in your thoughts tonight!

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

Crystal Fox!!! Why must you embarrass me so? Well.... again, you are very welcome. Its wht friends do. You're lucky you got the job! Just kidding. I'm so happy for you! I really think its the perfect environement. I'm really jealous! Someday, someday my ship will come... haha

Did you people know?? That Crytal is so awesome that if you gain a bunch of weight, albeit do to stress, being unfullfilled with your job, feeling guilty for not being a good mom, or just an unwaivering love for packing food into your face, she will lovingly and unselfishly adjust the size of your sleeves so your big fat arms can be comfortable!!! Now THAT'S an awesome friend!!!