Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Angel's watching over us

::Kaiden was attacked by a pygmy rattlesnake!::
::But he's ok, and he didn't get bitten::

-Kaiden's angels were protecting him today! We went outside to talk with a Verizon telephone man who had just pulled up into our yard, when Kaiden stepped off the porch and onto the sidewalk. I look down and see a snake attacking him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It lunged at him 5 times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Angel protection #1:
Right before Kaiden walked out the door he decided to put on his big army rain boots. The snake was attacking the boots and didn't actually get Kaiden.
Angel protection #2:
I yelled that there was a snake and was yelling for Kaiden to move when the Verizon man ran up like a pro (think crocodile hunter) and pinned the snake with a stick and then picked it up!!!!
-If Kaiden wouldn't have been wearing those boots and that wonderful man hadn't have picked that snake up our child would have been bitten more than 5 times by a rattlesnake.
-What are the odds that when you walk out your front door a rattlesnake is waiting there to bite your ankles and you just happen to have the perfect protection against snake bites on your feet and a man in your yard that knows just what to do?
:::::THANK YOU GOD!!!!:::::


Jenn Brown said...

Wow!! He is a lucky kid. So, I take it that this is one animal you've run across that you won't be adopting.

Crystal and Kaiden said...

ha ha ha...no we will not be adopting this one. we don't like aniamls that are out to kill us!

Anonymous said...

Genesis 3:
And God said to the snake, "I will put loathing between you and the woman, and between your offspring, and her offspring."
With good reason, I might add! But hey, what a great excuse to learn!