Wednesday, July 11, 2007

messing around at the staion

We were missing Ran pretty bad today so we stopped by the station for a visit. Kaiden is getting more and more comfortable at the fire station and had a blast messing with EVERYTHING!!!!

He loves to set off the sirens, climb on the trucks, push buttons, talk on the head phones, make new firefighter friends, put on Ran's air tank and fire gear, check out whats in the fridge, and cabinets, and bathrooms, and closets...and the best part - seeing the HUGE ladder go up, and up, and up, and up!

I've know I've been going a bit crazy with the photo blogs but I can't help it! We really love to share what we're up to with you guys and pictures seem to be the easiest way. Check out Flickr for more!

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

Pictures of you?? What? Can that be? Too cute! You people reading this must check out Flickr to see the one of Kaiden looking into the rim on the fire truck - quite professional, I must say!