Saturday, July 21, 2007

fun with the fam

Kaiden, Randy, Melissa, and Mike went to Marina Jacks yesterday afternoon.
They cooled off in the fountains,

relaxed in the shade,
and looked at the boats.

This is such a wonderful spot in Sarasota and every time we go it makes realize we are pretty darn lucky to live in such a gorgeous place


I started my new job at Books-a-Million last night and what a crazy first night it was!!! It was the release of the last Harry Potter book and I've never seen such an ordeal, but it was really neat to be a part of all the excitement!

We had a Harry Potter party which included....

wand making, the sorting hat, movies, a costume contest, face painting, tattoos, glow in the dark bracelets, fortune telling, video games, lots and lots of muggles, and of course the release of Harry Potter at 12:01 AM!!!!

I don't think I could describe the madness if I tried - you just had to experience it.

Kaiden meeting Harry.
The sorting hat placed Kaiden in Slytheryn!

The winner of the costume contest reading Kaiden's palm.


This morning we went to Siesta Key with Mike and Melissa. The water was warm but there was just enough breeze in the air to cool the skin. We mostly walked the beach and explored little hidden treasures....

Things that were found:
sea turtle nests, rock caves for fairies,
sand fleas, shells with holes to make lovely necklaces,
a dead jelly fish, sand dollars that "pee" on you,
and what trip to Siesta would be complete without spotting the lovely old man who walks around with nothing but a tiny sac covering his private part!




The McManuses said...

You all look beautiful and happy! Love you!

P.S. Next time you'll need to post a picture of the lovely old man who walks around with nothing but a tiny sac covering his private part! PLEASE!

Anonymous said...

i told crystal, next time i see him, i am going to ask him to pose for a picture with me! he is not embarassed, so why should i?! she advised me not to, but its one of those things in life, you just gatta do, or you cant live with yourself! -ran

Anonymous said...

U are lucky to be living there. If only there was new construction homes going up. We would so move there!

PS(Is the scantily clad man also old and wrinkly? That's the only way i've ever seen them.)

Crystal and Kaiden said...

Ha Ha Ha!!! yes, the man is old and wrinkly!!! you know the one!