Thursday, July 26, 2007

meet our newest family members

::: Superman :::
We have 2 hermit crabs but the other, Wild Boy, wasn't being cooperative during his photo shoot. They were gifts from Nanny and Dah (Crystal's mom and sister) as a thank you for watching all of their critters while they were on vacation.

We're learning lots about them...regeneration, scavengers, tidal pool dwellers. And we're becoming very found of the little guys. At first we were really nervous to hold them fearing that their big purple pinchers would take hold and not let go but they are actually very gently - but quick! The two love to explore, run, push, and climb... sounds like another little one in the house.

::: Ungo :::

Ungo is one of two mice we got recently. The other is Jack who also wasn't up for having his picture taken today. We got them on a whim and didn't research much before the big purchase - BIG mistake. The man that sold him to us wasn't very educated on mice either.

We bought 2 male mice and one cage, thinking this was OK since the man at the pet store sold them to us this way. But it is one of the BIGGEST mistakes you can make. We learned the hard way that male mice in the U.S. are VERY territorial. Our guy Jack tore little Ungo to pieces! We had to take Ungo to the exotic vet for infection of his cuts, a broken leg, and tail. Ungo was prescribed antibiotics and vitamins for his wounds.

Ungo was recovering beautifully when one day Kaiden ran to us, looking pale, shaking, and on the verge of tears, and said "Ungo's skin is coming off - I didn't do it!!!". We take a closer look and sure enough, under Ungo's fur was a scab and the scab, slightly larger than a quarter (which is big for such a small critter) had completely flipped over. You could see his spine, and everything inside his body was yellow. A bit of panic set in for us but we soon figured out what needed to be done.

Ungo is now back to his old self again, has his own cage, and gets LOTS of love and plenty of treats. I think Jack is still in the doghouse in Kaiden's eyes but Randy and I are good at spreading the love around.

Hopefully next time I can get a picture of Jack and Wild Boy for you all to see.


The McManuses said...


What "needed to be done"? Are you referring to separating the mice? What the H did you do with the open, spine showing skin?

Crystal and Kaiden said...

We separated the mice and put hydrogen peroxide on Ungo's wounds until they healed completely. We also cut the big nasty scab that was hanging on by a thread off. It was a nasty job but it had to be done. We're just thankful that the little guy is ok.

Anonymous said...

Eww! That sound absolutely do you stomach suck nasty work?