Friday, July 6, 2007

July 6

We had the genius idea of going to the grand opening of Build-A-Bear this morning thinking it would be great fun. On the way there my mom says, "I hope not too many people were excited about Build-A-Bear opening."! Wishful thinking Momma! The line was wrapping around the mall, they had employees singing songs throughout the line, handing out stickers, doing the "wave", and there was even a life sized build-a-bear posing for pictures. What an event! We should have just turned around and went home but the kids would have been so disappointed. I'm embarrassed to say it but it took us 3 hours and 15 minutes to get from the back of the line to the checkout. Who knows, maybe we made it on the news. There were at least 4 stations there! After the rough morning it was nice to sit and create with new clay Randy brought home. Pounding, smushing and mushing all that slimy stuff can be pretty relaxing!

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

I think I need to smush & mush your clay.