Monday, August 13, 2007

A BIG success!

Randy's art show went really really well! We had quite a turn out! I forgot to bring out my camera to catch the huge crowd that showed up but here are some images of the set up for those of you who were unable to make it...

Here are a couple paintings that now have new homes:

Fighting the Day

Don't Turn from the Delight

Song to My Soul

Its a hard thing to put yourself on display for others to judge and we are so proud of Ran for taking that step. It's given him the confidence to to take the next step to bring his portfolio to galleries around town and to sell his artwork online.

And a HUGE thank you to those of you who came. Your presence and support was appreciated more than you know!!!


The McManuses said...

Still realing from the emotion. Loved every second, except the leaving part - that wasn't so great.

I'm so proud too!!!

The McManuses said...

I spelled reeling wrong and that just ruins the whole comment. Sorry. Now I've made it worse. Need more coffee. Ok, shutting up now.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry i had the flu and couldn't make it out. Jorge and I were so excited about it and had been talking about it all week before hand. If there is a next one (and i hope there is) we will be there for sure...even if i have to wear a mask!

Natalie, David, Connor and Brian said...

It was so wonderful, we are so proud of you!