Tuesday, August 14, 2007

a big surprise

After a long day of running errands I was looking forward to coming home to a clean house - since that is what Randy claimed he was doing while I was out - pouring myself a glass of wine, and putting my feet up.

Boy was I in for a big surprise!

And I really mean a BIG one.

I know Randy can get a bit carried away and distracted while cleaning up the house but this is ridiculous.

OK, I'll show you a little peek...

(yes, that is an enormous tub of cheese balls)

Randy decided to clean out the attic while I was gone. My camera battery died before I could take more pictures so these don't even show the worst of it. Wasn't that sweet of him?

Its still sitting in the same place this morning.


The McManuses said...

OMG!! He's going to finish the job, right?

I love giant tubs of cheese balls. They are the BEST!!!

Crystal and Kaiden said...

Yes, he has since finished the job!