Saturday, August 18, 2007

an ice skating lesson

I met an awesome new friend at work, his name Glenn. He's a very good hockey player and is now off to school. But anyways, before he left he took Kaiden and I ice skating! It was so cute seeing Kaiden watch Glenn skate. He had such determination in his eyes to skate just as good as him. We started off REALLY wobbly and he was falling and hanging onto the wall for the first hour and a half.

But then all of a sudden he GOT IT! He was skating!!! He just kept trying to copy Glenn (all the while Glenn is telling Kaiden what a good hockey player Kaiden is going to be so it's boosting his ego). I was so proud of him. He is such a determined little guy with absolutely no fear. And he probably wouldn't have done so well had Glenn not been there to show him because I certainly can't skate!

Thank you Glenn for taking us. You should definitely become a coach for little kids one day!!!

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

AWESOME!! Sounds like so much fun!