Thursday, August 16, 2007

"Karla will you please stop shopping?"

I had an amazingly fun afternoon with my best bud Karla today! My mom and sister were so sweet to take Kaiden for a bit so we could have a peaceful grown-up lunch at one of our favorite joints. Thanks guys!

After lunch we picked up Kaiden and headed to the stores. Since Karla is from the sticks, and is deprived of such wonderful stores as Target and Old Navy, we had to hit them up. And did I mention that Karla LOVES to shop for a deal? This girl will search EVERY rack for a bargain. No Joke. We also went to Payless and Ross. Poor Kaiden was begging Karla to stop shopping by the end of the day! But as always, we had a blast with our friend.

While at Payless I picked Kaiden up a pair of Airwalk sneakers. I told him that when I was a kid all of the kids who skateboarded wore Airwalks so of course the second we got home he had to pull out his skateboard!

He was trying to get me to go to the store to buy supplies to make a skate ramp so I told him that it takes lots of practice before you can go on a ramp and that as soon as he's a pro at skating we can build one. He responds with: "OK Mom, I'll practice all day tomorrow, then the next day we can build a ramp!". Oh jeez.

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

Ha! Why do I get the feeling Randy will have a new project in the works before we know it?

I love shopping. We went a little nuts, huh? Oh well, the boys can work a little harder to support our habits. HA!