Wednesday, December 26, 2007

December 25

This is what most of our Christmas day felt like......wonderfully lazy!

Kaiden snuck out of his room at 5:15am and just couldn't control his excitement - "OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD!!!!! SANTA CAME SANTA CAME SANTA CAME!!!!" at the top of his lungs. We tried delaying by saying "just 30 more minutes" or "let's eat breakfast first" but we just couldn't resist his excitement. There we were at 5:30am sitting by the Christmas tree opening our gifts.

After all the gifts were torn open and Kaiden was settled playing with some of his new toys Randy and I went back to bed. We lazed around the house in our jammies ALL DAY. I didn't get into the shower until around 4pm and I think we took another nap somewhere in between too! It was one of our most enjoyable Christmas yet. Usually we're a little stressed with all the running about and visiting family but this year we just enjoyed being together.

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