Tuesday, December 18, 2007

new years resolution

I try very hard throughout the day to be as present as possible but i often find myself slipping. I get caught up in the mountain of laundry, the dishes calling to me in the sink, the dirt on the floor that sticks to my feet, and other small unimportant things that I feel have to be done before I can stop and really pay attention to my little guy. I find myself saying "just let me finish this" or "give me just 10 more minutes" more than I would like. While trying to enjoy simple moments with Kaiden often times I find my mind wandering thinking of all the things that aren't being accomplished.

My new years resolution for 2008 is to be more present in the everyday moments!

I will stop and enjoy Kaiden's imagination every time I sit down to play with him. I will truly listen to his very important questions and give him the best answers I can. I will tie his shoe laces to go out the door without griping about how wiggly he is or how dirty his face is. I will help tidy up the toys without whining to him about having to do this over and over again. I will buckle him into his seat without yapping about all the crumbs on the floor of the car. I will let him get out projects without first saying, “Try not to make a big mess, okay?”. I will slow down. I will enjoy the little things. I will do my best to keep my mind fixed on the moment without planning for and worrying about the moments ahead.

I will!!! At least I'm going to try really really hard!

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