Thursday, February 7, 2008

big news brewing over here

Really big for me anyways! I'm really really nervous about it but I'm just going to throw myself out there. You all are my best of friends so I can't be judged too harshly!

I'm starting my own photography business!

I can't beleive it! Lots of you have said I have an "eye" for it but I've never been quite confident in myself. But you know what? I LOVE TAKING PICTURES!!!! So why not do what I love?

I have met a wonderful woman, Sheila Lackey. She has been a photographer here in Sarasota for years and years and has opened herself to helping me get off my feet. She has a beautiful studio and has offered for me to use it as my own. Of course I have never wokred in a studio before and know nothing about lighting, equiptment, yadda yadda, but Sheila has offered to help teach me EVERYTHING. I can tag along on shoots with her to get tips, ideas, and to see how she works her magic. She is also helping me out with an awesome digital SLR camera. I have a non-digital SLR but in this day and age its just not as convenient.

Sheila has been such a blessing in getting this whole thing off the ground. She was so excited for me that she wanted to take some photos of me for my business cards. I belong on the OTHER side of the camera! HAHAHA. But I love how they turned out.

I'm going to be aiming for kids, families, couples, and possibly weddings. I've found some awesome locations and backgrounds around Sarasota but I'm also up for traveling to other cities arounds Florida. I'm going to ask some of you to be guinea pigs in the studio since I'm not sure what I'm doing in there :) . I'm also working on a portfolio to show potential clients.

So I guess the reason I'm posting this is to ask for your support in getting this off the ground. I have no clients yet but the only way to get them is to get my name out there. So I ask you, my friends and family, to let people know about what I'm doing.

It feels a little scary to put something so personal out there because it could get rejected! yikes. But if you never take any risks in life you probably never go anywhere either.


U+Me=Us said...

Wonderful!!! You are going to be so great at this, i love it! I totally volunteer my belly to be a guinea pig for your business. And you are gorgeous, you should be in front of the camera!!!

Crystal and Kaiden said...

Thank you so much Jill!

U+Me=Us said...

Can i put in a special request with Crystal please? I was wondering if you could sew me one of those nursing wraps. I know your busy with the photo business but your the only sewer i know down here! Have you ever seen them? Here's a reference for ya: Do you think it will be to much work on ur plate? I'll pay you...eventually! :)

Crystal and Kaiden said...

Of course I'll make you one! It looks to me like its a blanket with a I right? When you come to visit, or we come to visit you, I would like you to pick out some fabric that you love.

And now a question for you: (I should prob just call you for this! ha)

Can you tell me the difference between the Canon EOS 40D and the 30D? And what about the 400D/Rebel XTI?

Anonymous said...

Incredible news, Crystal! I'm very excited for you! Don't know how much business I can steer your way from far away, but I'll do what I can! Good luck - I'm rootin' for you - you have SO much to share!

Anonymous said...

Crystal that is AWESOME!!! I have always thought that you take beautiful pictures. I am very excited for you! We are behind you 100%! Natalie, David, Connor and Brian

Crystal and Kaiden said...

Thank you guys!!! Really, I can't tell you how much your support means to me! Everything is coming along and I'm sooooooo excited. I'll keep you all updated.