Tuesday, February 12, 2008

BoBo the Caterpillar

"In a jungle, on a safari so far far away lived a little caterpillar named BoBo. He was the cutest little caterpillar you ever did seen. He got lost and a little boy rescued him, named Kaiden. He brought the little buddy to his home safe and sound and put him gently in his mommy's butterfly garden."

"One day, BoBo the caterpillar went into his chrysallis and emerged a beautiful butterfly!"



U+Me=Us said...

What a sweet little story! Did you help him make it up? And that is a pretty cool looking caterpillar, hope he blesses your garden with babies who fly around beautifying everything.

Crystal and Kaiden said...

Kaiden made the story up all on his own!

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Oh that story was adorable...Kaiden had such a great imagination! He reminds me of my Noah, he is always making up stories like that. Its so much fun to listen to them isn't it!