Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Kaiden: Mom, what does handicapt mean?

Mom: Hmmm...good question. I guess one way to put it is when a part of a persons body doesn't work as well. Like if your legs are hurt and you have to be in a wheelchair. It can also mean that your brain doesn't work as well either.

Kaiden: Did you know that Joshua's parents are handicapt?

Mom and Dad: Look at eachother and exchange an inside laugh.

Kaiden: They are REALLY handicap. They don't take care of their stuff.

Mom: Like what?

Kaiden: Their car, Joshua's room, their bathroom....It's so messy and DISGUSTING! (in reality these things are not gross and disgusting. They're very clean people)

Mom and Dad: Laughing out loud now

Kaiden: Did you know that Aaron is handicap too? He leaves the windows open in his car when it rains.

I love his interpretation! According to Kaiden, if your brain worked well you would know to take care of your things and know not to leave your windows down when its raining. Too cute.


Jenn Brown said...

That's so cute, you gotta love kids at that age!! Just think about how "handicapped" he would think Vee is with forgetting to close the cabinet doors, ha ha ha.

Crystal and Kaiden said...

HAHAHA! So true about Vee! I think its nuts how he does that and doesn't even notice.