Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Are we going to be friends forever? Asked Piglet. Even longer, Pooh answered."

We received some terribly sad news today. It brought lots and lots of tears and more tears are sure to come. I don't think there is an easy way to break the news that your best friend is moving away. That's right - Sianna and Joshua are moving ::sniff sniff:: They are being evicted from their rental property due to their landlady going bankrupt and having to lose her house.

Joshua got the news first. His first reaction was "But mommy, I'm going to lose my BESTEST FRIEND!!!!" followed by hysterical sobbing. Amy called me in tears over Josh being so heart broken. I promised that we would come over first thing in the morning to let Josh know that he is definitely not losing his bestest friend.

After hearing what Amy went through I thought I would approach telling Kaiden in a different way while cuddling in bed.

Me: Kaiden, is Joshua your best friend?

Kaiden: Oh YEAH!

Me: Is Joshua ALWAYS going to be your best friend?

Kaiden: Duh Mom!

Me: I have something to tell you. Joshua and his family are having to move to a new house but we will be able to visit him all the time and he'll still be able to come over to our house all the time to play and you will definitely be able to still ride your bikes together.

Kaiden: But if they move it will take them hours and hours to get to our house! Are they moving tomorrow? They can't fit all their stuff in those SUV's! No, no, no.....Joshua and Sianna are coming to stay with us and Amy and Dave will move to a new house!!

After a bit more conversation and thinking this whole thing out in his little mind Kaiden got MAD. And I mean REALLY MAD. He insisted on knowing whythe landlady needed her house back.

Kaiden: Joshua and I are going to get the BIG ax out of the shed and slice that ladies tires to shreds, pull out all her hair, and then we're going to dump her in the trashcan!!!!!!!

The scheming didn't end there! I let him go on and on about what he wanted to say and do to the landlady. He was just venting how mad and hurt he's feeling. But just when I was about to go out the door and gave a kiss goodnight the tears started. Oh the heartbreak! It makes me tear up just thinking of it! I'm sure we've all been there!

I haven't heard how poor Sianna has taken the news. She's older and understands things a bit better but it doesn't make it any easier. This is the second time this has happened to this poor family. Just as you think you are settled for a while and find someplace you truly love to live it gets torn out from under you - twice. My heart goes out to them!

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