Sunday, March 23, 2008

county fair

I always look forward to the county fair every year. The rides, dirty feet, farm animals, carnies, people watching, fried veggies and elephant ears - brings back wonderful childhood memories!

Randy taught Kaiden where the best spot to sit on a roller coaster is. "Most people think the best spot is right up front, but they're all wrong. The BESTEST spot is alllll the way in the back - that's where you get thrown all around and have the most fun." He even got him to ride with no hands!

I can't believe they still have these rides. I love them when I was little. Too bad I'm over the high restriction.

Mr. Robot: "Little man, go play some carnival games and bring your prize over to show me. Hey Dad, looks like you already have a first class prize!! Way to go!! " Oh jeez. Being hit on by a robot?? I guess its better than the dirty old men at the bookstore.

fried veggies + elephant ear = big belly ache

So sad seeing these gorgeous animals locked up. The had a bigger area to play in off to the side of these cages. It was about sixteen feet high in a big circle. The conveniently placed the tiger pen right next to the piggie races. When the pigs came out to race the tigers jumped up, started mad pacing, and licking their chops. Being the smart woman that I am, I sat right between the tiger cage and the pigs. Those six tigers could have EASILY knocked over that pen and had some pork for dinner!

Kaiden and Randy won another goldfish. Surprisingly, he is still alive. We named him Sanchez. He has a little black mustache :)

This is Dumbo. She was really sweet and funny. She loved showing off and was even flirting with Randy! (Does it look like I have only one tooth in this picture? weird)

I think we spent a good 30 minutes at this ride! Its so much fun. Kaiden took this picture of Randy and I. We were so nervous leaving Kaiden at the bottom of the ride with the toothless carnie AND my camera. But K assured us everything was OK.

Just thought this was a funny picture. Everyone looks so into the pig races! Go piggies. GO!

1 comment:

U+Me=Us said...

Carnies freak me out about as much as old men in speedos at the beach do! Although i can tolerate an old bag of marbles more then i can tolerate dirty toothless carnies. My favorite treat at the fair is the super sugary lemonade :)