Sunday, March 16, 2008

other side of the tracks

Kaiden wanted to do some exploring yesterday so we went over to the railroad tracks. We headed the opposite way of the box cars and walked along the tracks. Its so much fun exploring different parts of Sarasota. We've found some of the neatest places that we feel are all our own.

Kaiden was in a very serious mood on our adventure and this photo captures that personality perfectly. I kept trying to lighten the mood to get some fun photos but he wasn't having it. He was on an exploring mission and nothing was going to stop him!

We found a trail that led to a swampy conservation area and an old railroad crossing sign. We also found where the railroad splits into two different tracks(to be explored another day).
Picked up lots of old pieces of broken glass, some old bullet casings, and broken pieces of track.

Here's the new do that Kaiden designed. He wanted a mohawk like his buddy Joshua but he added a neat line going through it. You can't see it in this photo because its growing out but it looked very cool, edgy, and definitely unique!

Looking back at these picture makes me feel kinda sad. My little baby is 5 years old and getting so so big! He's a little man with his own little attitude and ideas. He doesn't stop talking - EVER. I wish I could count how many questions he asks in a 30 minute time period. He's learning so much and become so independent. I love it but at the same time I wish I could just press pause for a just a while!


Anonymous said...

I do agree, little Kaiden is not longer little *tear* It's hard to imagine he's 5 already. Where does the time ago?? I remember the day he was born, and I must say he looks NOTHING like I thought he would when he got older...

The railroad tracks looks like a fun place to go. You haven't encountered any snakes or nasty spiders out there? I'd be watching my steps carefully!

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Oh I love the hair cut!!! Gosh, Noah saw it and wants his done like it now, why do these boys insist on being so grown up so quick!