Tuesday, March 25, 2008

questions. questions. questsions.

From our 5 year old:

"Why do you need a mommy and a daddy to make a baby?"

"How do babies grow inside of a mommy?"

"How do they actually get out of the vagina? It's so small!"

"Do babies poop out of the umbilical cord too?"

Can't forget these:

"Who made god?"

"Where did God come from?"

"What's beyond space? Are there people out there?"

"What holds up space?"

OH MY GOODNESS!!! How is a parent to answer all these questions? Shouldn't a 5 year old be thinking about other things?

There are so many other questions he asks that aren't as deep but just as perplexing to answer. I wish I could remember them all(I need to start writing some of these down). The questions never seem to stop. He still asks questions as his eyes are closing, drifting off to sleep!

Rest your mind little one - I don't think we'll ever have ALL the answers!


U+Me=Us said...

WOW! Please write down your answers too, we're going to need them in a few years!

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Oh Noah has been exactly the same lately! The other day we had a half an hour discussion about windows...why do houses have windows? Who makes them? Why are they different sizes? Why can you open them? The list goes on...
Ha ha ha!!