Thursday, April 24, 2008

our ben is in heaven

We had to put our Benny to sleep yesterday. These pictures are from his last day with us. It is so heartbreaking to lose such a special friend. And when I say special I truly mean it. This cat has been amazing.

Randy and Kaiden fell in love with him at first sight at the animal shelter. He was instantly Kaiden's new best friend. He was 2 years old and would carry Benny around all day long like a rag doll. They were inseparable! Benny would just sit by Kaiden and watch him play and follow him around everywhere. He was also Randy's favorite animal in the house. That's a pretty special spot to be in considering :)

We take in LOTS of animals. Some we keep and some we find homes. We have had lots of kittens in and out of our little house and Benny is always their adoptive mama. The kittens attached to him instantly. He always let them try to feed off of him, snuggle up, and clean them like they were his own babies. He was very nurturing to these little guys who desperately missed their real mama. It always amazed us what a big heart Benny had.

But Benny has never been quite right. He didn't have normal cat instincts. He couldn't walk a straight line, balance on a high table or counter, or jump up. He always had a slightly funny walk too. When you would hold Benny he would go completely limp and relaxed. Nothing would startle him or make him run about. We always thought he was just a very chill kind of cat. But the last couple of months Benny started having extremely violent seizures. He started going a little crazy and confused, not knowing quite where he was. Turns out he had a neurological problem. He truly didn't have a single cat sense. He couldn't tell if his feet were on the ground or not, he couldn't tell if his face was in or out of his water bowl, didn't know if his butt was on the ground when he sat, and things just got worse. But this whole time Benny was still happy and even more loving. He never acted like he was in pain(unless in a seizure) and that is what has made this so hard for us. We could tell he wasn't the same cat because he got this blank stare and you could kinda tell there wasn't always someone home upstairs.
But now Benny is home. He was a good cat, a good friend, and will be missed so so much. WE LOVE YOU BEN!


Jenn Brown said...

Awww, how sad. I was just looking at those pics of him last night on Flickr and thinking what a beautiful cat he was.

I'm sure the decision was hard for you, but I think it was probably the right one. I would imagine he was only going to get worse and worse. Pets sure do make large paw prints on our hearts don't they?

U+Me=Us said...

That is sad. After you told us about him on our last visit, i was wondering how long he'd stick around for. To bad he got so loony, i'm sure Kaiden will have to take comfort in one of your other 500 pets now, maybe he'll drag around one of the chickens!