Monday, June 30, 2008

June 29

The little man and I took another road trip this weekend. This time we traveled over to Arcadia to visit our old friends the McManus'. It's such a lovely drive to the town in the middle of nowhere. Relaxing. Peaceful. Beautiful.

We had some good old summer time fun with our friends. We filled up our bellies with some delicious soup, salad, and sandwiches. Hit up the local mini theater and saw the adorable movie Wall-E. And after all the running about "town" we relaxed by the pool. The kids energy and imaginations were in full throttle.

It's so wonderful to have good friends to visit and share these summer moments with. Sometimes we get wrapped up in our busy little lives and don't stop to notice how wonderful our friends are and how important they are to us. But I've been noticing things more and trying to be more aware of the simple gifts we have been given :)

Happy Summer!


Anonymous said...

Perfect day. Perfect you.

U+Me=Us said...

I'm jealous, i heard Wall-e was great. But all the recycled air isn't good for such a small baby, I'll have to wait until it comes out on video.

Crystal and Kaiden said...

Wall-e was such a cute movie! You have to see it. Its right up your alley.