Friday, May 25, 2007

5/24 FIRE!

At 6pm on Thursday May 24, I was dispatched to a brush fire in North Port. "They say, its the biggest one we've had in at least 5 years!" It was wickedly intense. My tanker was the third truck on scene. My partner and I tried to hit the fire at its head, but it soon engulfed us. We were surrounded 360 degrees by fire. It was an "OH SH*T" moment. We called for 4 tactical response units, a total 0f 30 trucks and 2 helicopters responded. It took 6 hours to control the fire and all we lost was a boat, trampoline, and a pool cage. It was an aggressive fire with a large fuel load and strong winds which made it difficult to control. Good times. You can find news footage here


Crystal and Kaiden said...

Ran, you forgot to tell the part about how you lost your keys out there and had to call the locksmith to make a new key. and as the locksmith was making the new key a tanker truck showed up with the set of keys you lost but they looked like they had been run over by 5 fire trucks!!! And Steve, remember how I said it would stink to have to do #2 in the middle of a fire? It happened - just not to Randy thank goodness!

Anonymous said...

EWW! Who had to do a #2?