Monday, May 14, 2007

a personal tour

A couple weekends ago Randy and Kaiden went to G-WIZ, a hands on science museum, to see the new "Ice Age" exhibit. They had a blast seeing the enormous skeletons and creatures from the ice age and had so much to tell me when they got home-like how "huge and freaky" some of the creatures were (like the giant turkey, the mammoth bigger than a t-rex) and they even brought home some awesome drawings of sabor tooth tigers and giant sloths.

O.K. I was jelous I didn't go. So this Saturday Kaiden took me to G-WIZ and gave me my own personal tour of the museum. He was so professional and serious telling me what he knew about each animal, only pausing for 20 seconds for me to admire them and moving on to the next. He guided me through the entire museum in maybe a half an hour but I had such a blast switching places for once and listening to his hillarious commentary! I wish you could have seen him at the end with his fists on his hips give a little huff when the tour was over, like a job well done.

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