Wednesday, June 20, 2007

June 21

What have we been up to today? Oh, a little of this and a little of that and most of all just enjoying being with one another without any bickering!
We've had some dressing up,
intense Star Wars battles,

playing in the mud,
whip cream masks
and some awesome oatmeal play dough.

And there you have it, friends!
We're not up to much right now,
just livin' a luxurious life of leisure!
We leave you with these words of wisdom...


Jenn Brown said...

I love the pictures Randy and Kaiden with the Star Wars figures all ready to fight. Those two are so much alike. Crystal I am sure sometimes you feel like you have two 4 year olds to take care of!!

Anonymous said...

But where is Bobo Fett??? Don't tell me you're missing a figure?

Crystal and Kaiden said...

Trust me - we are missing NO figures in this collection!!! Bobo Fett is actually right up front in Kaiden's picture and I'm sure Jango Fett is somewhere around there too! I can't believe I actually am getting to know these characters!!! And yes Jenn, they are both kids. Only one is a boy stuck in a mans body and the other is a man stuck in a kids body!