Friday, June 29, 2007

mom's night

It was a beautiful thing walking into the living room and seeing Kaiden on the couch surrounded by piles and piles of books and quietly reading. He looks up and says, "we're going to read ALL of these Mommy!". When we went to the library the other day we took home more books that we could carry! Most of them were about animals (Kaiden's passion) and science. We didn't have much luck with finding any faerie books but we aren't giving up the hunt. We made a pretty big dent in the pile and have some lists of science experiments we want to try soon.

Today we went to my mom's house for some more swimming to beat this rotten heat. Somehow Kaiden and Samantha suckered my mom into a sleepover at their house tonight so I'm all by myself and I'm going to make the best of it! I've got lots of sewing plans, some good chick flick, pizza, and the sound of of rain on the roof. I couldn't ask for more right now!

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

I'm SO jealous/happy for you to have a night to yourself!! Cept you know I woulnd't want to be by myself, but away from the kids? Hallelujah(sp)!!!