Friday, August 17, 2007

homey K vs Angry K

I overheard Kaiden having this conversation with himself this morning:

Homey K: It's cool yo.

Angry K: Stop saying that!!!!!!!!

Homey K: It's cool yo.

Angry K: Why do you keep saying that?!?!?!!!!

Homey K: Because it's cool...yo.

Angry K: STOP IT!!!!!

Homey K: C'mon baby, you know you like it.


The McManuses said...

I can't think of anything witty to say, but I really do think this is very funny. That's VERY funny. Not just funny.

Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

I just had to stop by and say how funny this is!! What a cutie! I can't wait for my little Kaiden to start coming up with these things...It really made me laugh!! :-)