Tuesday, August 21, 2007

August 21

On Monday we started watching Connor (4yrs) and Brian (2yrs) during the day. We're really excited to have them here and they are so much fun! We get Brain at 8:30am, play play play, pick Connor up from preschool at noon, come home for lunch, then play play play some more! It's amazing how much energy these little fellas have.

We're bouncing around from thing to thing non-stop!
cars, planes, and trains
knights, pirates, and firefighters
grocery store, toy store, and art store
play dough, gluing, coloring
cheese balls, cheese balls, and more cheese balls
blocks, Lego's, Mr. Potatoe Head
Oh, the list could go on and on!!!

We're having a bit of down time right now, watching The Land Before Time and eating lunch. Just thought I would drop in so no one would think we abandoned the blog. Things are just really hectic over here! We'll be back as soon as we can come up for air :) We will only have Connor and Brian for the next 2 weeks.

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

This list you made makes me ill. I don't know how you do it or enjoy it. You are special people!! Now that's what needs to rub off on me (the having fun with kids part). Should I sign this "Anonymous"? Oh well too late.