Sunday, September 30, 2007

day 3

We're going on day three now with no Randy. So far I've only heard bits a peices of his trip (this is due to really bad reception) - Sedona, Pink Jeep tour, dead cyotes, a vortex rock, indians, humming brids, stealing rocks from archaeological sites, hiking, Steelers football game....... It was a bit difficult to keep up with him! But what I did get out of our short conversations is that he is having an awesome time - that's whats important right?

Has anyone noticed the beautiful change in weather? We had the windows open in the house most of the day and it was delightful. Kaiden and I cuddled on the couch most of the morning reading to eachother with the cool breeze and morning sun shining in. I could have stayed in that moment all day! But of course 4 year olds only have so much attention to give to those kinds of moments so I reluctantly moved onto the next thing.

We took a trip to my mom's house today for litle visit - that was nice. Dah had a bag full of goodies from their school carnival for Kaiden. When we got home that one bag of stuff kept him busy for nearly 2 hours - 2 hours that I used to finish up my project that has taken way to long! Again, pictures soon to come :)

Since the weather was so wonderful today we made a trip over to Arlington Park before dinner. We've avoided parks this summer like the plague - its just been so dreadfully hot! Anything we've done has usually involved water. I think we might actually make a trip to another park tomorrow. And if we're lucky enough to have a day like today perhaps we'll ride our bikes? Just maybe.

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

Dearest - I am SOOOO excited about the weather change!!! I am just as excited if not more than you. OK, to be fair, I will say just as excited. It is so thrilling!! It even makes recovering from terrible colds feel wonderful, doesn't it? Love it. We are getting bikes this fall if it kills us! I can't wait. The only reason we've waited is because buying 4 at once will be a big purchase. OK, long story, but the idea of all taking a bike ride together makes me super happy.