Wednesday, September 26, 2007

when i grow up

While l ying in bed last night drifting off to sleep:

Kaiden: "I've finally figured out what I'm going to be when I grow up."
Mom: "That's great, what is it?"
Kaiden: "A scientist."
Mom: "That would be amazing Kaiden."
Kaiden: "And when I go to Egypt when I'm a scientist I'm going to bring you home a sarcophagus."
Mom: "I would love that."
Kaiden: "But wait, oh no! Daddy will say it's crap and throw it away!!!!" Smacking himself in the forehead.
Mom: "If you brought me home a sarcophagus from Egypt I would NEVER let Daddy throw it away. Don't you worry.
Kaiden: "Whew." He then fell asleep worry free.

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

He "finally" figured it out? What took him so long? Sheesh!! Too cute...