Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sept. 5

We had an early start to our day - 6am!
Kaiden made his own pb&j sandwich for breakfast.
Star Wars movie- the one with Boba Fett.
Playing with animal toys - Kaiden has them all organized into endangered and non-endangered species.
Rope swinging from the big oak tree.
Relaxing while watering the butterfly garden.
Donuts with Dad! (he was out fighting a fire all night long!)
Walking the dogs.

9am - off to Shark Tooth Beach in Venice with Mike and Melissa.
Searching for sharks teeth, playing shark games, and looking for pirate treasure.

12 noon - Playing in the pool making huge monster waves.
The dogs take a dip too!
Lunch break, another Egypt movie, and LOTS more mummy make believe!

3pm - mom heads off to work
Making brownies with Dad and thoroughly enjoying it!!!!!

5pm - Mike and Melissa come over for dinner.

A bit of roughhousing and some good family fun!
Then bedtime! Everyone enjoyed sharing stories about their childhood with Kaiden and tucking him in for the night!
Whew! What a wonderful day!

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

Your day makes me smile! (aside from the Mommy having to work part.)