Monday, March 31, 2008

soon there will be three.

I was absolutely honored to take this gorgeous mammas photograph! I've been patiently waiting for quite a while now....but finally Jillian and Jorge made a trip over here to Sarasota! We had such a lovely time. Jillian has been one of our best friends for many many years. I don't think I could express how excited I am that she's going to be a mamma. Next time we see them there will be three of them!

Jillian and Jorge: This is just a sneak peek guys. There are many more beautiful photos. I hope you enjoy them all :) Thank you guys!


U+Me=Us said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!!! You are a magician, thank you for making me look so beautiful! We had such a good time with you guys this weekend, it sucked to have to leave. If this is just a sneak, i can't imagine what the other pictures are going to look like. I love them and you too!!! :)


Craig, Robyn, Noah and Kaiden... said...

Oh my...these photo's are absolutely gorgeous!! You are such a talented photographer, I wish you had been here when I was pregnant!!
What a beautiful lady Jillian is...that is going to be one good looking baby :-)

Anonymous said...

Hey! Looks like you all have been quite busy by the looks of the blog. GREAT photos Crystal! All of them are wonderful! Keep going, I am really enjoying seeing your work. Natalie

Lp Photography said...

I love these!! Wish my last mat session went this well! :)