Monday, May 21, 2007

lazy day on the river

We had such a blast on Saturday hanging out on the Peace River, hunting for fossils, and cooking out. And the best part? We were with the lovely McManus family! Good times, good times...all that was missing was the jug of pineapple juice and rum!

This is one of the screens Randy worked so hard to make(when I say worked hard I mean he spent about 4 hours making 2!) What a clever guy he is to make them out of PVC pipe - they float!

The best part of the river is watching the kids enjoy just being kids. Remember those days? I love that we can come here and make such wonderful memories with our children and great friends!

1 comment:

The McManuses said...

You captured me in the 2 minute time that I wasn't sitting in the chair. Man, it actually looks like I'm having fun looking at rocks... yes, rocks that's what they all are... rocks.