Sunday, September 30, 2007

day 3

We're going on day three now with no Randy. So far I've only heard bits a peices of his trip (this is due to really bad reception) - Sedona, Pink Jeep tour, dead cyotes, a vortex rock, indians, humming brids, stealing rocks from archaeological sites, hiking, Steelers football game....... It was a bit difficult to keep up with him! But what I did get out of our short conversations is that he is having an awesome time - that's whats important right?

Has anyone noticed the beautiful change in weather? We had the windows open in the house most of the day and it was delightful. Kaiden and I cuddled on the couch most of the morning reading to eachother with the cool breeze and morning sun shining in. I could have stayed in that moment all day! But of course 4 year olds only have so much attention to give to those kinds of moments so I reluctantly moved onto the next thing.

We took a trip to my mom's house today for litle visit - that was nice. Dah had a bag full of goodies from their school carnival for Kaiden. When we got home that one bag of stuff kept him busy for nearly 2 hours - 2 hours that I used to finish up my project that has taken way to long! Again, pictures soon to come :)

Since the weather was so wonderful today we made a trip over to Arlington Park before dinner. We've avoided parks this summer like the plague - its just been so dreadfully hot! Anything we've done has usually involved water. I think we might actually make a trip to another park tomorrow. And if we're lucky enough to have a day like today perhaps we'll ride our bikes? Just maybe.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

when i grow up

While l ying in bed last night drifting off to sleep:

Kaiden: "I've finally figured out what I'm going to be when I grow up."
Mom: "That's great, what is it?"
Kaiden: "A scientist."
Mom: "That would be amazing Kaiden."
Kaiden: "And when I go to Egypt when I'm a scientist I'm going to bring you home a sarcophagus."
Mom: "I would love that."
Kaiden: "But wait, oh no! Daddy will say it's crap and throw it away!!!!" Smacking himself in the forehead.
Mom: "If you brought me home a sarcophagus from Egypt I would NEVER let Daddy throw it away. Don't you worry.
Kaiden: "Whew." He then fell asleep worry free.

Sept. 25

S_McElman_070716_2434 P I R I say I blue tee

You can find this flickr speller here.

Kaiden and I have been a bit sick this week (fever, aches, pains). The two of us have been laying low watching lots of movies, enjoying the sunshine out back, and making some new things to freshen up the house (pics coming soon). But Randy has been busy busy! Mike, and old friend from his high school days, needed a little vacation and decided to come down to Florida for a visit. He's been showing Mike around town and taking him to all his favorite spots.

Siesta Key of course.

Check out this sea weed! Randy said the piles were enormous and covering the entire shore. I've never seen such a thing before!

Kaiden went out last night with Mike and Randy to see the sunset. We thought he could use some fresh air after being sick at home all day. It did seem to help because he's almost back to normal today!

Yesterday Randy and Mike went fossil hunting at the Peace River in Arcadia.

I'm not sure what the plans are as of yet today. All I do know is I'm getting a little break! Randy will be leaving to visit his folks in Phoenix this weekend for 4 days so I'll be all by myself with Kaiden (which means no BREAK!). So he's being a darling and giving me a day to myself. Thank you love.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Congratulations Ashley and Rudy!

Ashley and Rudy's wedding was wonderful! It was absolutely perfect in every way. We are so happy for the two of you!!!! Don't they look gorgeous?

Here is Kaiden protecting the rings along side his partner Kendall. They did surprisingly well standing up there for nearly 20 minutes. The two boys were giving us "I love you's" in sign language while they were up there - too cute! A little fidgety? Yes, but its to be expected right?
There was lots of family dancing and Spanish music at the reception. And for those of you who know that I NEVER dance - I did!!!!! Shocking, I know. But it was a really good time and perhaps at the next event that requires dancing I will break out of my shell once more.

But seriously, the wedding was simply magical and things like that always get me worked up and emotional. Congratulations guys! We love you!

Friday, September 21, 2007

the rehearsal

Ashley and Rudy's big day is tomorrow! The two of them looked perfect practicing their vows, gazing into each other's eyes, being absolutely in love. I started tearing up at the rehearsal! How will I make it through the actual wedding?

Kaiden caught a bit of the love bug today! See the little lady, Brooke, sitting beside him looking adorable? That's Kaiden's new crush. I saw him a number of times rubbing her back, running his fingers through her hair, and gazing into her eyes. He couldn't stop talking about her on the way home either! Sweet innocent love...

This is Rudy's family. I love this photograph bigger so I can really see all their faces. Most of his family didn't speak English but were so sweet, especially great grandma sitting in the front right corner! Kaiden really took a liking to her. Early in the evenning her arm started to really hurt her. Kaiden saw that something was wrong and tried so hard in his sweet way to make her feel better. He definately brought a smile to her face!

While we were leaving the rehearsal dinner, belly's stuffed and soaking wet from swimming, I saw this at the front door and had to capture it. I wish we could have stayed longer but "ring security" has a big job tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

September 18

Kaiden is still fascinated by Egypt and mummies. We've bought a few new books from the bookstore and Randy ordered this awesome new toy, sarcophagus and all. This morning Kaiden built a pyramid out of big Lego's in the kitchen and added a burial chamber for his mummy.

We've discovered a few games online, The Mummy Maker and The Restless Mummy, that we've enjoyed a lot. Kaiden is now in search of this treasure but we haven't been able to find it anywhere. It's an old toy from the 90's and we thought we'd be able to find it on ebay, but no luck.

Captured this sweet moment this afternoon. Starbit and Benny were curled up in a basket, cozy as can be.

This Saturday my best friend from high school, Ashley, is getting hitched! I'm a bridesmaid and Kaiden is a ring bearer in the wedding so we've been busy getting the last of our fancy clothes together and making little goodies for the party.

I discovered this neat Pinwheels for Peace project recently. We're planning on participating for the first time this year and we invite all of you to join in too!

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Here are a few snippets from our recent days.....

A hunt for buried pirate treasure.

A hike through the woods with good friends.

Early morning watercolor.

A few good movies.

A new salvaged sewing table.

Made with lots of LOVE.

Talks of going to the dentist.

Running through the sprinkler.

Things have been simple over here. We've been enjoying being home, getting projects done, and spending time with one another. What more could we ask for? Well, maybe a few more hours in a day! Time has been speeding by!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

And he brings home another.........

Yup! He's done it again folks. Randy has rescued yet ANOTHER kitten! This little girl was rescued from the same property as the last kitten. She doesn't have the same kind of sad story but needs to find a home none the less.

She is an adorable manx kitten - she has no tail! Kaiden is calling her Starbit for now and she has all the spunk to match the unique name. She loves to sit curled up on your lap and rides around on our shoulders. Benny has taken a fondness to her, filling in as mother cat, cleaning her and cuddling her when she sleeps. Let us know if anyone may be interested in giving this cute little girl a home!!! There are more pictures of her on flickr.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Sept. 5

We had an early start to our day - 6am!
Kaiden made his own pb&j sandwich for breakfast.
Star Wars movie- the one with Boba Fett.
Playing with animal toys - Kaiden has them all organized into endangered and non-endangered species.
Rope swinging from the big oak tree.
Relaxing while watering the butterfly garden.
Donuts with Dad! (he was out fighting a fire all night long!)
Walking the dogs.

9am - off to Shark Tooth Beach in Venice with Mike and Melissa.
Searching for sharks teeth, playing shark games, and looking for pirate treasure.

12 noon - Playing in the pool making huge monster waves.
The dogs take a dip too!
Lunch break, another Egypt movie, and LOTS more mummy make believe!

3pm - mom heads off to work
Making brownies with Dad and thoroughly enjoying it!!!!!

5pm - Mike and Melissa come over for dinner.

A bit of roughhousing and some good family fun!
Then bedtime! Everyone enjoyed sharing stories about their childhood with Kaiden and tucking him in for the night!
Whew! What a wonderful day!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I love my Mummy!

Recently Kaiden has shown a lot of interest in the subject of Egypt, especially mummies. I bought him a few books from the bookstore about Egypt and he absorbed all that he could in the past few days.

Now he is on a mummy kick! We have a pyramid drawn on our driveway with underground passage ways for us to explore, and a burial chamber. Kaiden is the mummy fast asleep in his sarcophagus. I am the archaeologist who is in search of the great pyramid and I come across the mummy and "excavate" him only to have him chase me around the pyramid!

Kaiden has also made his own book about Egypt that is continuously growing with pictures of pyramids and mummies. Yesterday we bought some ace bandages and wrapped him up like a real mummy! We even rented movies about Egypt. Today his goal is to make himself his own sarcophagus. I'm not sure how that is going to be done but with Kaiden, anything is possible!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

jelly bean anyone?

Have you heard of Bertie Bott's Beans?? They are the jelly beans in the Harry Potter books and we recently tried them out. Well, I should specify that Randy and Kaiden have tried them out. I'm have not been brave enough to give it a shot yet! But why would I with flavors like grass, boogers, vomit, earwax, pepper, and sardines?

This is Kaiden when he realized he had just eaten earwax.

And this one is vomit!!

Why would you subject yourself to such a thing? I don't know. And I'm wondering who would want the job of coming up with getting the taste exact? "Oh yes, we've finally got it! This tastes just like a booger!". No thank you!!

But Kaiden thought these beans were the greatest thing. He pops one into his mouth, spits it out disgusted, and then tries the next one. Randy has tricked a few folks with them (Grandma was one of them) by just offering them a jelly bean and not telling them what to expect. That's just cruel!!!